Greendale Farm Shop

Greendale Farm Shop

Sidmouth Rd, Farringdon, Exeter EX5 2JU, UK

01395 232836

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Overall Rating

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Love Greendale for brunch or lunch. Most recently had lunch - I had the call in and the other half chose their Ploughman's. Both delicious and good value. Although the Ploughman's came on a round 'slate' which looks good but isn't too practical. Coffee was good and Luscombe's St Clements tasty and refreshing. Staff always helpful and friendly. Added bonus is the farm shop afterwards!

Date of visit: 11th June 2022 Date of review: 15th June 2022

We went for dinner. There was a really nice, laid back atmosphere. The food was good, I recommend the fish and chips. All the local brands of drinks you’d expect at a farm shop, I always love the Luscombe ginger beer, they do a hot or cold version. They also have a great selection for sale on the shop floor to take home with you.

Date of visit: 15th May 2022 Date of review: 15th May 2022

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