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About SipTrip

Who we are

At SipTrip we believe that living an alcohol-free life doesn't mean sacrificing fun or enjoyment. In fact, many venues are now recognising the growing demand for alcohol-free options and are offering a wider range of mocktails, alcohol-free beers, and other drinks that taste just as good as the real thing.

Whether you're a committed non-drinker or someone who is simply exploring the sober-curious lifestyle, SipTrip is the perfect platform to help you discover new venues and drinks that fit your preferences.

Popular SipTrips

SipTrippers' favourite venues with a great selection of
non-alcoholic, or very low alcohol drinks. 

Sober Inspiration

A guide for the Sober Curious:

Living an
Alcohol-free Lifestyle

Welcome to the world of the sober curious! Living an alcohol-free lifestyle is an increasingly popular trend among young adults today, and for good reason. Whether you're interested in a healthier lifestyle, want to be more present in your daily life, or simply want to try something new, choosing to live an alcohol-free lifestyle can have a wide range of benefits.


We understand that going out with friends or colleagues can be challenging when you're not drinking, and that's why we've created SipTrip - to help you discover the best places to socialise without alcohol.

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