Mickeys Beach Bar & Restaurant

Mickeys Beach Bar & Restaurant

Unit 1, Sideshore, Queen's Dr, Exmouth EX8 2GD, UK

01395 206888


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Overall Rating

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Great selection of non-alcoholic drinks, although not easy to spot if you go for dinner. We went there for dinner and in the actual dinner menu, you could find more "soft drinks" than you normally see in other places, but in the end of the day, they were "classic soft drinks", such us lemonade, juice or Luscombe. HOWEVER, I didn't notice or know that at the bar they have a good selection of "Mocktails", which I am sure they would be happy to serve at your dinner table. Make sure you ask if you do go for dinner and they don't show you the bar menu. You can see the menu on their website.

Date of visit: 4th June 2022 Date of review: 21st June 2022

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