The best pornstar martini mocktail recipe ideas

Pornstar martini mocktails

The pornstar martini is a popular cocktail that’s best known for its fruity and sweet taste with a hint of vanilla. Sometimes referred to as a passionfruit martini, the drink became an instant hit in 2002 as an alcoholic cocktail with a shot of champagne on the side to be used as a chaser. It’s now one of the most popular cocktails around the world and there are many non-alcoholic variations that are just as delicious. 

Classic pornstar martini mocktail recipe

Looking to make a classic alcohol free pornstar martini? Look no further than this simple mocktail recipe. Using passion fruit puree, passion fruit juice, cloudy apple juice, vanilla syrup, and limes/ fresh passion fruit for garnish. 

Just like Bond suggests, shaken not stirred is the best way to create a cold martini mocktail. Shaking with ice is much quicker at cooling your drink before pouring into a glass. It’s not served over ice, to avoid diluting it too much. 

If you’re looking to add the traditional chaser without the alcohol, why not try sparkling grape juice?

Professional presentation

If you’re looking for a little bit of je ne sais quois with an attractive foamy flourish, then this BBC Good Food mocktail recipe is your friend. Adding an egg white to the mix creates the foam, which can hold beautiful decorations like edible flowers. Perfect for special occasions, or if you’re just feeling a bit fancy!

Bartender pouring passionfruit martini mocktail

Passionfruit martini mocktail with a twist

If you like using recipes as a rough guide rather than set-in-stone instruction, For a twist on the classic, think tropical. You could substitute the apple juice with pineapple or even mango juice. For a deeper, more orange colour you could add 50ml of cranberry juice to the mix. The key is not to overpower the vanilla, so if you’re playing with fruity flavours, adding a few drops of vanilla extract rather than a syrup might help it not to get lost. 

Have you visited a location and had a particularly good pornstar martini mocktail? Find and rate your visit here, and help others in the SipTrip community find new venues to enjoy themselves.

Posted on March 27th 2023

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